i haven’t posted here (except to post that silly cut-up) since “As u get older u can’t get so drunk” – Oct 27 I could only read, could not write after “Hospital food is like I remember airline food.” – Nov 1 My mantra became “The Tortured Man becomes the Revealed One.” after Nov 2nd I hid in the Hideout and almost became Invisible until Election Day re-introduced me to my neighbors “Spending 3 hours in line with hundreds of people has helped me to embrace my bandages that I’ve been doing my best to hide.” — Nov 6th “And now the hospital bills arrive… america, fuck yeah…” November 16 The blog fell by the wayside… But this morning, I noticed that there are several DRAFTS up here!


I got a christmas card today, a few days late–from my friend Alice Gerard, which included a little Year-End review, “Pictures and Tales of 2010.” Her story for January talked about taking drawing classes at the National Portrait Gallery while she was in Washington, DC to join in the Voices for Creative Non-Violence and Witness Against Torture protests against extensions of the operations at the Guantanamo Bay prison.